Saturday, September 29, 2012


Verce is a very witty, humorous and polished lyricist. He has a southern style with a lot of cocky flair and passion. He grimy lyrics mixed with his commercial appeal makes him a very strong force and a great blend of an all around rapper.
Why this name?
Verce is actually short for verce atile which best descrbes the style. Verce atile was formed when I joined this group named the Riot Squad
Do you play live?
Yeah you can catch me in the GA and southest. Been rocken Gwinnett's famous "Luby's" and whirly ball. Also at level 3 in the A and somber reptile. My special moment was performing a special tribute to our fallen homie D with the Riot Squad. The entire place was in tears, it was a truely sad and moving moment.

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